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The most valuable source of information used in making, and maintaining, this site is the book 'British Camera Makers, an A-Z Guide to Companies and Makers' (ISBN: 0-9542630-0-8) by Norman Channing and Mike Dunn, on which every collector I know depends for useful information on British cameras, but especially Wood And Brass cameras.

'Discovering Old Cameras, 1839-1939' by Robert White (ISBN: 0-7478-02661) has also been most useful.

Brian Coe's 'CAMERAS From Daguerrotypes to Instant Pictures' (ISBN: 0-85685-448-4) is a resource no collector should be without.

It would take an awful lot of money and persuasion to separate me from my copy of Tom Holiday's 'Thornton-Pickard Cameras and Equipment', now sadly out of print.

Jim and Joan McKeown's 'Price Guide to Antique and Classic Cameras' (ISBN: 0-931838-41-X), continually updated and currently (2005-2006) in its 12th edition, is an invaluable reference source for any collector of cameras.

Groups - online and otherwise

Membership of the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain (PCCGB, now PCC International Ltd) has increased my knowledge and commitment, and its Postal Auctions have put some cameras my way.

Another great resource has been my many friends in the Internet Directory of Camera Collectors, an online group of people bitten by the same bug as me, particularly its Wood and Brass Group. Thanks, friends. You know who you are.


This site is dedicated to Maureen, my lovely supportive wife, now passed on. She endured years of being dragged round the world from auction room to camera fair, uncomplaining, as I spent on things she was not particularly interested in, money she could well have found a better use for. She is loved and remembered.